Mission West was founded by Michelle Wu in 2019 to use power of entrepreneurship to build a world where everyone had the opportunity to live with dignity. Our goal was to Boosting the sharing of prosperity to bridge the gap between the poverty life and the modern world.

While poverty has declined rapidly over the past three decades, humanity continues to face urgent and complex challenges.

More than 1 billion people still live in deep poverty, a state of affairs that is morally unacceptable given the resources and technology we have available today. At the same time, rising inequality and social exclusion seems to accompany rising prosperity in many countries. Covid 19 just speeded up that process to trigger more gap between the poverty world and the rest , it pushing peoples into extreme poverty and difficult to survive throught the pandemic and economy crisic .

Missionwest foundation see that challenging and opportunities to raise our funding program to reach more people in poverty condition in developing country to increase the sharing among the society. We did a hundred of trip to reach different regions to give our support to each people, each family , each village and funding plenty of program for building school , refugee , bridge to make people life getting better during economy crisis .